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A wave-like pattern made up of shapes in gradient hues. It represents how cybersecurity is interconnected with every aspect of life.


The 8th annual event featured in-person keynotes and panels at The 92nd Street Y, New York

8:00 A.M.

Breakfast (Come as you please)

9:00 A.M.


9:05 A.M.

A Conversation With NIST Director Laurie Locascio

NIST is the most important cybersecurity agency that you know the least about.  From the seminal Cybersecurity Framework to the coming quantum transition to artificial intelligence, NIST plays a pivotal role in our privacy, e-commerce, and national security.  Director Locascio will share her thoughts on how NIST juggles these critical responsibilities as well as how it plans to execute its mandate in the President’s October 30 Executive Order to develop AI guidelines and best practices for AI safety and security - all while still maintaining the integrity of the Nation’s peanut butter supply (seriously).

  • Laurie Locascio, Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

  • Jeff Greene, Senior Director, Cybersecurity Programs, Aspen Digital

9:30 A.M.

Cybersecurity In a World of Generative AI - The Good, The Bad,
The Unknown

Artificial Intelligence is not new to cybersecurity – both defenders and attackers have used machine learning and AI tools for years.  However, the release of ChatGPT took the conversation around AI and cybersecurity mainstream.  This panel will dig into how the explosion of AI tools will impact cybersecurity, including the import of the President’s October 30 Executive Order AI.

  • Sean Joyce, Global Cybersecurity & Privacy Leader, US Cyber, Risk and Regulatory Leader, PwC

  • Jameeka Green Aaron, Chief Information Security Officer, Customer Identity, Okta

  • Heather Adkins, Vice President of Security Engineering | CISO Google South Korea, Google

  • Iranga Kahangama, Assistant Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

  • Moderated by Suzanne Smalley, Reporter, The Record from Recorded Future News

10:20 A.M.

Morning Break

10:35 A.M.

All Your Critical Infrastructure Are Belong To Us - Nation State Threats to our Critical Services

In February the Director of National Intelligence said that “China almost certainly is capable of launching cyber attacks that could disrupt critical infrastructure services within the United States.” So we have that going for us . . . which is nice. What does this really mean, what are the implications for our national and economic security, what is the government doing about it?

  • Elke Sobieraj, Associate Chief for Policy, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

  • Puesh Kumar, Director for the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, Department of Energy

  • Rob Joyce, Cybersecurity Director, National Security Agency

  • Craig Adams, Chief of Product & Engineering, Recorded Future

  • Moderated by Jeff Greene, Senior Director, Cybersecurity Programs, Aspen Digital

11:15 A.M.

Election ‘24!  Secure Early, Secure Often

The 2024 U.S elections will take place against a backdrop of unprecedented declines in trust, record polarization, and the disruptive potential of artificial intelligence. In this session, we’ll discuss how we approach the most consequential federal elections since..well, the last one.

  • Chris Krebs, Chief Intelligence and Public Policy Officer, Sentinal One; Former Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

  • Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State, State of Michigan

  • Raffi Krikorian, Chief Technology Officer, Emerson Collective

  • Moderated by Vivian Schiller, Executive Director, Aspen Digital

11:55 A.M.

Space & Cyber - A Conversation with Jen Easterly and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jack Weinstein

Our national and economic security are increasingly dependent on space-based systems, which in turn depend on their own cybersecurity. Easterly and Lt. General Weinstein will discuss the importance of space and the unique challenges in securing it from cyber attack.

  • Jen Easterly, Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

  • Jack Weinstein, Professor, Boston University (Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.))

  • Moderated by Garrett Graff, Director, Cyber Programs, Aspen Digital

12:30 P.M.

Roundtable Luncheon Discussions (Please Choose One)

Intelligence & Investigations: Critical Partners in Defeating Cybercrime

Presented by The Record from Recorded Future News

It is often said that cybersecurity is a team sport, and that is no less true when tracking cyber criminals. Government and private sector security companies have access to different yet complementary data which together can make it hard for criminals to hide. Join us for a luncheon panel where experts from industry and law enforcement will reveal how the critical relationship between cyber threat intelligence and law enforcement, when harmonized, can defeat even the most advanced criminals and adversaries. 

Disinformation & Deepfakes: Reclaiming Trust & Identity in the Web3 Era

Presented by OneSpan

The world has changed and digital transactions are now the norm. Whether these transactions are small or substantial, the balance of cybersecurity and superior customer experience must take center stage. Amid the rise of disinformation and deepfakes, businesses are now confronted with reimagining how trust is created, ensured, and sustained to secure digital relationships with their customers in the Web3 era. In this panel, we’ll discuss the challenges organizations face when it comes to ensuring trust and the steps to take to prove security and authenticity in today’s continuously evolving digital world. 

Unleashing AI Safely: Exploring the Interplay of Technology, Investment, & Policy

Presented by Paladin Capital Group

Join AI investor Paladin Capital Group for a panel discussion featuring technology and policy experts on the work required to ensure advancements in AI are deployed safely and securely. 

Building Trust in AI: Practical Applications in Responsible AI

Presented by PwC

Generative AI will revolutionize industries and build entirely new markets and opportunities. As with AI, GenAI can only transform business if the technology, data, inputs and outputs are trusted. In PwC’s March 2023 Trust Survey, just 35% of business leaders said they were focused on the governance of AI systems and processes and confirming AI-driven decisions are interpretable and easily explainable. This interactive session will explore various scenarios on how the right technologies, processes, and upskilling can help address the risks and opportunities that generative AI (and all AI) brings. We will discuss various approaches that can help organizations mitigate risks associated with this technology, maintain the confidentiality and security of their data, and ultimately focus on building trust in what matters to their own stakeholders.

The SEC's New Cybersecurity Rules: Implications for Public Companies & the Nation’s Cybersecurity Posture

Presented by Splunk

The new rules, which are set to take effect in December, will mark a major transformation in how cyber incidents are brought into public view.  This panel discussion brings together industry experts to delve into differing views about the implications of the new policy from a national standpoint. The panel will also discuss the challenges facing U.S. public companies as they seek to comply with the new requirements, along with strategies for overcoming those challenges.

“Secure by Design" and the Past, Present, and Future of Product Security

Presented by Google

Cyber policy is undergoing perhaps the most significant shift in a decade, as policymakers increasingly look to get "upstream" and focus on the security of digital products and services. This comes from a recognition that all of the existing focus on (1) raising critical infrastructure security, (2) and operational collaboration, cannot succeed if the underlying products that power our digital world are chronically insecure. Recent breaches have put this dynamic in the spotlight. This panel would examine how we got to this point (discussing events like SolarWinds), discuss the efficacy of current proposals (e.g. CISA's secure by design work, ONCD's calls for software liability, and the EU's Cyber Resilience Act), and examine how this dynamic will play out for new technologies, particularly AI.

AI & the Cyber Threat Landscape

Presented by Insight Partners

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, but it has also brought forth significant cybersecurity challenges. As AI technologies become increasingly sophisticated, they have the potential to reshape the cyber threat landscape. This panel aims to foster a deeper understanding of the evolving relationship between AI and cybersecurity. By bringing together diverse perspectives, it seeks to identify best practices, share insights, and promote collaboration among stakeholders to effectively address the growing AI threats in the digital landscape. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge to navigate the complexities of AI-driven cyber risks and develop proactive strategies to safeguard their organizations and the broader society in the face of evolving cyber threats.

1:35 P.M.

The Bird Drone Conspiracy - What You Need to Know

It has been decades since the government replaced the nation’s birds with surveillance drones, yet many citizens still refuse to believe this simple truth. This conversation will explore the human side of why and how conspiracies endure and the role technology (drones as well as digital) increasingly plays in that.

  • Peter McIndoe, Public Information Officer, Birds Aren't Real

  • Nicole Tisdale, Senior Advisor, Aspen Digital

1:55 P.M.

We Are All in This Together - Cyber Education & Cyber Civil Defense

The cybersecurity workforce shortage is not a new problem, but it requires new solutions. Leaders from across sectors will discuss innovative ways to bring cybersecurity career paths to life, featuring both technical and non-technical routes into the field. Whether supporting civil society, industry, or government missions, there’s a place – and a need for – new entrants into the cybersecurity field.

  • Diana Burley, Vice Provost for Research and Innovation, American University

  • Craig Newmark, Founder, craigslist and craig newmark philanthropies

  • Cynthia Warrick, President Emerita, Stillman College

  • Terrence Adams, U.S. Air Force

  • Moderated by Katie Brooks, Director, Cyber Partnerships, Aspen Digital

2:35 P.M.

Book Talk - UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There

  • Garrett Graff, Director, Cyber Programs, Aspen Digital

2:45 P.M.

Afternoon Break

3:00 P.M.

The SEC’s New Cyber Disclosure Rule

This summer, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted new rules requiring disclosure of “material” cybersecurity incidents as well other annual cybersecurity reporting requirements. The Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance will help break down these new rules and share his thoughts on what they mean to public companies.

  • Erik Gerding, Director, Division of Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

  • Moderated by Erin Delmore, North America Business Correspondent for BBC News

3:20 P.M.

Navigating Corporate Cyber Disclosures - the View from the C-Suite

The SEC makes the rules, but it’s the companies that must comply with them. Hear from CEOs and corporate leaders on whether they think the new rules will improve cybersecurity, and what this will mean to their day-to-day operations and their long-term cybersecurity and corporate planning.

  • Michael Steed, Founder & Managing Partner, Paladin Capital Group

  • Gary Steele, CEO, Splunk

  • Corey Thomas, Chairman & CEO, Rapid7

  • Sam King, CEO, Veracode

  • Moderated by Erin Delmore, Business Correspondent, BBC World

4:00 P.M.

Ransomware Tales from the Front Lines

Ransomware headlines often focus on the staggering ransom demands or the impact to digital systems, but these attacks have real, human impacts. Stillman College President Emerita Dr. Cynthia Warrick will share her experiences during a crippling ransomware attack that impacted her students, faculty, and alumnae, and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate will discuss how the Bureau works with victims to recover from all aspects of these crimes.

  • Paul Abbate, Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

  • Cynthia Warrick, President Emerita, Stillman College

  • Moderated by Aruna Viswanatha, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal

4:25 P.M.

Cybercrime Whack-a-Mole - Business Email Compromise, Ransomware, Cryptocurrency, & More

Cyber criminals are nothing if not adaptable – block one avenue of attack and they will come back with new scams. Experts from government and the private sector discuss the current trends in cyber crime, how they partner to stop attacks, and what you can do to keep yourself and your data secure.

  • Bryan Vorndran, Assistant Director, Cyber Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation

  • Matthew Moynahan, President & CEO, OneSpan

  • Eun Young Choi, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, Department of Justice

  • Eric Goldstein, Executive Assistant Cybersecurity Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

  • with Aruna Viswanatha, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal

5:00 P.M.


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